HOA Committees
Summer Wind HOA Committees - In addition to our Board of Directors, Summer Wind offers committees designed to assist and aid the Board of Directors and Summer Wind Community. Here is a listing of our active committees:
Bylaws Review - The bylaw review committee is open to ideas/suggestions from all owners as to the bylaws, restrictions, and policies. The goal is to be reasonable and make necessary changes that reflect our needs as owners and the marketplace to maximize property values.
Communications - The communications committee’s goal is to help inform and educate owners by using a variety of methods to help the board, committees, and owners understand the responsibilities and activities within Summer Wind. The main areas of focus are website, newsletters, and general news.
Mom's Club - The goal of the moms club is to get working and stay at home moms together occasionally on weekdays and weekends.
Neighborhood Watch - This committee is looking for more volunteers to assist in neighborhood watch, safety, and security issues as well as establishing points of contact with the Hartford Police Department.
Social/Seasonal - The goal of the social committee is to help direct and organize fun activities with our families and friends. We are open to suggestions and volunteers to make events big or small happen for a wide range of neighborly gatherings and group fun for everyone.
Welcoming - The goal of this group is to personally welcome and introduce new homeowners and their families to the HOA, board, operations, committees, and activities within our neighborhood. The committee will also help answer and direct any questions new owners may have.
Youth - Youth activity focused. Activities could include school-related activities (tutors, study buddies), volunteer projects, etc. If your child(ren) is interested, please contact the board.
For additional information, questions or to join a committee, please contact the Board.